Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Odds and Ends

so much happening!

Well, I've got one more work day (Thursday), then I'm off to visit my in-laws for an extended weekend. They live roughly 7 hours away by car so I got quite a ride ahead of me. Since the arrival of our first child, I've been making the trip during the night; that way, we don't have screaming kids who need to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes. We leave tomorrow night, so please pray for travel mercies on my family and I.

It should be a fun visit. My sister-in-law is due to have her first baby (at any moment now), so my wife and I are looking forward to being an aunt and uncle for the first time.

On the home front, we are finalizing the selling of our house tomorrow morning. Now comes the task of finding a new nest for my growing family. We've seen a house today that both my wife and I liked, so we may be making an offer on it (still getting some info. on the place).

I'll try to post something on the weekend. And on that note, dear readers, have a great weekend! (just had to rub it in a bit...LOL)

God bless you,
